Pure Energy

Mind Body Fusion BOHO Beats

8 Tracks

Class Styles: Vinyasa, Gentle Flow, Yin, Restorative & Hatha. A creative, handcrafted album that feels like your favourite yoga playlist. A delicate balance of ethereal vocals, soft pulsing beats, traditional Indian instruments, found sounds, acoustic guitar & electronic ambient vibes to keep your class flowing from an open hearted space. Written from the yoga mat, Boho Beats breathes in time with your asanas, sparkles with energy and leaves room for moments of reflection and a peaceful savasana. Expansive soundscapes, breathy vocals, memorable lyrics and gentle rhythms will keep you focused - this album dives into the science behind the sounds. “An ability to move with music - physically move - may be as important as having the capacity to be moved by music…” Mark Tanner, Mindfulness in Music. Boho Beats is sonically written around the notes of F# & B. F# resonates deeply with the higher Heart Chakra whilst B opens the Crown Chakra to create a deeper connection to the blissful meditative moment. The album opens with the track “Begin Again” which allows for 8 minutes of meditation & the start of mindful movement. There is no BPM which leaves space for expressive & explorative movement that comes from the soul. Move in time with your own pulse and begin to really connect with your body. “Unison” and “Moving Flowing” build up to a gentle 80 BPM to guide you into Sun Salutations & peak postures. Finally, the album falls to a meditative & peaceful conclusion with the mantra “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha” which translates to “I remove all obstacles”. The mantra is repeated 108 times, which can offer the perfect meditation practice for your yoga class. Boho Beats sounds warm like an Indian Summer - we hope this soundscape leaves you feeling inspired, connected, uplifted & radiant.


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